Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Trampoline Styles Change

Trampolines used to be Round and expensive or Rectangular and very expensive indeed.

Round ones were for the garden and the family, and rectangular were for serious trampolinists who knew what they were doing.

Not any more. Trampolines have exploded with new sizes and new shapes.

There are now Oval Trampolines with the performance of a rectangular and the safer bounce profile of a round garden trampoline.

Then came new style Rectangular Trampolines complete with Enclosures. For the first time, users became protected when bouncing on the bigger and more powerful Rectangular Trampolines, and sales have boomed as a consequence.

Next has been the development of niche style trampolines.

Pink trampolines for girls, and camouflage designs, all to appeal to small niche markets.

What this means is more choice in an already confusing market place, but these new shapes and sizes are making sales, so the standard round trampoline sales are declining.

And crazy new shapes like the TP Star Trampolines.

What comes next in the trampoline market? All of this makes difficulties for the Trampoline Spares market. Retailers of Replacement Trampoline Pads now need Pink Pads, and Octagonal Trampolines Pads, greatly increasing stock holding.

Other Trampoline spares are now also very popular. Trampoline Ladders are commonly added as a package, whereas years ago the main brands like Supertramp Trampolines refused to sell them. Now they are a standard add on sale.

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